Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Rest In Piece Donald Michael Kraig

Golden Dawn Magician and Author Donald Michael Kraig has Passed to the Eternal East. May he Find Peace in the Heavens, Among the Masters and the Blessed Dead 

Hethert, Lady of the Beautiful West,
Receive frater Donald Michael Kraig in the Field of Reeds.
Comfort him with Your turquoise tears,
Renew him in Your golden arms,
May he live a million years
In the radiance of Your love.

Donald Michael Kraig, Golden Dawn magician & author, has passed to the Eternal East, after a battle with stage 4 pancreatic cancer.  This is truly a great loss for the Golden Dawn & wider esoteric Community.  You will truly be missed and remembered brother. 

If you haven't already, please consider donating to the fundraiser (which I have a link to in my previous post) as now his family is left with medical bills as well as funeral costs, and the amount, I'm sure, is daunting, to say the least.

Frater Kraig has contributed much to our community, and inspired many with his books. Surely there have been many aspiring magicians who got their first taste of the Magic of Light after reading one of his books, such as "Modern Magic", among several others.

This is a sad and mournful time for our Community, but also a time to celebrate his life.  I know the fraters and sorors of our diverse community are thinking of him and his family, and directing positive and healing energy to them. I certainly am.

May frater Kraig find rest and peace in the Field of Reeds, and may his family be comforted.

“Nothing stands still - everything is being born, growing, dying - the very instant a thing reaches its height, it begins to decline - the law of rhythm is in constant operations....” 

― Three InitiatesKybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece

Sincerely & Fraternally, in L.V.X.,

Frater A.T.L.V.

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